Membership in the Comstock Hills Homeowners Association is open to all those owning homes within its boundaries marked by Wilshire Blvd to the north, Santa Monica Blvd. to the south, LA Country Club to the east and Beverly Glen Blvd. to the west.
Comstock Hills Homeowners Association is a California non-profit corporation which is all volunteer and seeks to improve the quality of life of its residents and the community as a whole. It strives to monitor issues regarding traffic, future planned development, safety, nuisance factors, the environment and neighborhood aesthetics. It maintains strong ties to local government so that its voice can be heard on important issues that impact not only the neighborhood, but all of Los Angeles.
Why Join and Pay Dues?
We host an Annual Fiesta that also serves as membership meeting. CHHOA members are guests at a catered dinner at significant cost, but the good will and community building make the expenses worthwhile.
We pay for supplemental maintenance of the SM Frontage Road that CHHOA funded when 19,000 sf of drought tolerant landscaping was installed.
Community signage will help brand out neighborhood as a distinguished, prime place to live while enhancing our property values.
Security is of major concern. We are continually alerted to crime activity in our neighborhood. Purchasing security surveillance cameras at entry points into Comstock Hills is costly, but may be worth considering. In the past we provided RING security door bells free of charge to our neighbors.
Supporting worthwhile causes that need funding can be presented to the Board of Directors.
Issues arising that negatively impact the neighborhood may need expert opinions or studies to protect our community’s position.
Aesthetic enhancement of our neighborhood is fundamental to maintaining the value of our homes. When City funding is unavailable, we should consider ways to keep our trees and parkways beautiful.
Being a good neighbor and caring for others and our environment enriches our lives and makes for an exceptional organization.